Monday, June 9, 2008

A Relationship Tune Up

When men use analogies many times they relate everything to cars. As women we may not understand that all the time but in some cases the car analogy works! Every few months you take your care in for a regular tune up, whether it is an oil change, rotating tires, changing break pads or air filters. If you don't do these simple maintenance tasks the cars longevity is compromised. If not regular maintenance you at least put gas in your car once or twice a week (even if it does cost you $4.00 a galloon). If you don't get gas then guess what? Your car won’t run.

I recently learned relationships need tune ups and or full ups just as often as a car does. Many times we get bogged down with our daily lives and the one person we are supposed to love unconditionally is put on the back burner. I never really understood what it meant for married couples to break up after many years of marriage because they “just grew apart”. I always wondered what it means to “grow apart”. After being married several years I now understand how easy it can be to "grow apart". But you don't have to let this happen...that's were "Tune Ups" come in place. Relationships need daily and monthly servicing just as your cars do. It’s very easy to let your lives grow in different directions. It’s very easy for you to take the one that is suppose to mean the most to you for granted. If you don’t handle this delicate relationship with care then as a car does without gas your relationship will stop running.

So here are a few tips to keep your relationship oiled up and running smooth:

Daily care:
Gas up your relationship: Say I love you daily. Stop for a kiss on the cheek, a wink of the eye, a simple compliment, take on your partners tasks for the day, go on a date, and stay up late talking, laugh with and at each other and most of all pray together…simple things to “SHOW” you care.

Long term care (some of these things require planning):

Tune up your relationship: Read a relationship book together (ex: The 5 Love Languages, Power of a Praying wife/Husband, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus)… attend a relationship conference, or plan a get away…with just the two of you. Remember a relationship is an active viable engine that needs a tune up every once in a while…pay attention to yours and don’t let it die!

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