Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's up with this election?

The older I get the more attention I pay to the government and politics. This upcoming election seems to be a pivotal breaking point in America's history. Not only because there is a bi-racial man running as the elected candidate on a major party ticket, or that a woman is in line to be the VP if her candidate is elected President, but that for the first time in many years the United States is no longer the richest nor the strongest nation in the world. Republicans and Democrats alike can agree that for the past eight years this country has lost it's worth in the eyes of it's citizens and other on lookers around the world. For the first time, the American dollar has less value than many other countries around the world. For the first time, Americans are factoring in gas as a part of their household budget. I don't know about you but I cringe every time I see that $60.00 price tag when I go to the gas station every Thursday. Electing this leader could be the key to get our country back on track. This race isn't about parties but should be about which candidate has your best interest at heart. It shouldn't be about race or gender but about which candidate has the desire, will and strength to return America to it's high standards and regards. This race should be more important than having several generations of Republicans or Democrats in your family. For some of the smartest people in the world, America seems to be really green when it comes to electing qualified individuals in office to run this country. Even the scarecrow desired a brain to make wise decisions only to find out that he'd already had a brain but just needed the confidence to use it. Come on people take a look at the issues...identify what is important in your life and vote for that candidate. Disregard the party lines and vote for the person that is geared toward restoring this country to its original grandeur. Look beyond the media hype and rhetoric and make a wise decision because the decision you make will either make or break this country.

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